Private Tutoring

In addition to holding office hours, I am also a Peer Tutor for SCI.
Below is a list of classes I tutor in:
(Per request, I will try my best to aid in other classes not on the list)
CS 0007: Introduction to Java Programming
CMPINF 0401: Intermediate Java Programming
CS 0441: Discrete Structures for CS
CS 0449: Introduction to Systems Software
CS 1501: Algorithms and Data Structures II
CS 1550: Introduction to Operating Systems
ECON 0100: Introduction to Microeconomic Theory
ECON 1100: Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 1160: Financial Econometrics
STAT 1000: Applied Statistical Methods
STAT 1221: Applied Regression
STAT 1361: Statistical Learning and Data Science
MATH 0220: Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
MATH 0230: Analytical Geometry and Calculus II
MATH 0240: Analytical Geometry and Calculus III
MATH 0280/1180: Linear Algebra
MATH 0413: Introduction to Theoretical Mathematics
MATH 0420: Introduction to Theoretical 1-Variable Calculus
Method of Communication:
I hold peer tutor hours at the following times:
TuTh: 10-11AM, 2:30-4:00PM, F: 1-3PM, SatSun: 4-6PM (Virtual on Zoom)
Peer Tutor Hours are held in the CRC.
Send me an email:
Please note, that I may not respond immediately.
Be wary to not send messages after 12AM.
(I have school too!)