
Below you can find a schedule of courses that I am currently a Teaching Assistant for. Additionally, you may find information about courses that I have been a Teaching Assistant for in the past.

CS 1501: Algorithms and Data Structures 2

Recitation Material
Recitation Recording
Introduction to the Course & Git
2-3 Trees, Left-Leaning Red-Black BSTs and Project 1 Hints
Recap of Compression, LZW Compression and Project 2 Hints
To be posted.
Binary Heaps, Priority Queues, Indexable Priority Queues
To be posted.
Recap of Graphs, Induced Subgraphs, Degree Sequences, Cut Vertices/Cut Sets, Havel-Hakimi, Tarjan's Algorithm and Project 3 Hints
To be posted.
Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithms (Lazy and Eager Prim's), Geodesic Paths, Other MST Algorithms (Kruskal, Chazelle, Fredman-Tarjan) and Shortest Path Algorithms (Dijkstra's and Bellman-Ford)
To be posted.
Network Flow Algorithms (Ford-Fulkerson), Edmonds Karp, Maxflow-Mincut Theorem, and Project 4 hints.
Extended Euclidean Algorithm, Implications of XGCD for RSA, RSA, Shor's Algorithm, Period-Finding, Groups and Cyclic Subgroups, Review of Binary Representation and Bitwise Operators, and Project 5 Hints.
To be posted.